Outdoor Spa

When we build our spa we wanted to do something new and different. In Sweden we love our outdoors. We then built an outdoor spa. the central pool is dressed in white to resemble a the feeling of a beach, we also wanted to create the feeling you find in more southern parts of Europe - the Poolbar. All in all it has a pool, a big jacuzzi, and warm relaxing pool on the second floor and two saunas. We also enabled a nice bar and restaurant within its premises. In cold weather we also invite our guests to some inside areas between the pool experiences. Also, don't forget to book your massage treatment prior your stay with us. The massage treatments offered are classical massage and sport massage, 995 SEK.
Our outdoor spa is open 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. 
Please contact us at info@holick.se for more information.

Ícono de validado por la comunidad
  • Included in many of our accommodations, check your booking!
  • SEK 165 (adults) SEK 95 (children up to 12 years) for guests at the resort.
  • SEK 265 (adult daycare guests) SEK 115 (children up to 12 years). At least one adult must always pay a spa fee if you come with children.

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