1. Reservation
Booking can be made via online booking. The booking is valid for when Hölick Havsresort has received the payment . It is the customer’s responsibility to check the confirmation and to make sure that the arrival and departure dates are correct.2. Payment.
Payment is done at the check in. If you have a gift card that you want to use, contact the booking department on info@holick.se
3. Cancellation
In case of cancellation made earlier than thirty (30) days before the agreed arrival date, 100% of the booking amount will be refunded. If cancelled later than thirty (30) days before the agreed arrival date, no refund will be given unless a medical certificate can be presented. If canceled on the day of arrival or no show, no refund will be given. Cancellation can be made in writing or orally. Oral cancellation only applies after the customer has received a written confirmation from Hölick havsresort. Written cancellation shall be deemed to have taken place at the time when the cancellation was received by Hölick havsresort. In case of no show at the date reserved and that there has been no contact with Hölick Havsresort, the guest will be invoiced.
4. Changes
After Hölick havsresort approval, the customer has the right to make changes to their booking. In the event of changes, Hölick havsresort charges a change fee of two hundred (200) kronor per change. Hölick havsresorthas the right to relocate the customer to another equivalent accommodation due to events that are beyond Hölick havsresort control. If possible, Hölick havsresort shall notify the customer of such changes before access and otherwise as soon as possible. The customer is not entitled to ant repayments as consequence of chaning type of cabin as long its in the same category.
5. The customer’s duty of care
The client must take good care of the accommodation and follow the rules, instructions and regulations that apply to the facility. The customer is responsible for all damage that occurs to the accommodation and its equipment because the customer or someone in the customer’s company has been negligent. The accommodation may not be used for anything other than what has been agreed upon booking and the customer may not allow more people to stay overnight in the accommodation than the customer stated when booking. The accommodation must be left in a tidy condition. In the event of inadequate cleaning, a cleaning fee of 1500 kr will be charged. All rooms / cottages as well as public areas are non-smoking.
6. Complaint
Any remarks must be made immediately during the stay to the facility or to a person designated by the facility. The customer is not entitled to invoke an error if the customer does not notify Hölick Havsresort within a reasonable time after the customer has noticed or removed the error.